Total artists found: 1984
Name: HITS
Description: Brisbane Australia rock and roll band
Country: Brisbane
Name: Spice 1
Country: Hayward
Name: HITS
Description: New York electro synth indie band
Country: United States
Name: H.I.T.S
Name: Hits
Description: Bay Area trio fronted by Jen Weisberg
Name: Hits
Description: appears on Chipmunk's track
Name: Rank 1
Country: Netherlands
Name: Latest God
Description: Australian melodic hardcore band
Country: Australia
Name: Latest Fashion
Name: Latest Disgrace
Name: The Latest
Name: Nausea
Description: USA NY punk band
Country: United States
Name: #1 Pop Hits From 1980
Name: #1 Hits of the 60's
Country: Branson
Name: Direct Hits
Description: UK band from London, successor of The Exists
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Video Hits
Country: Brazil
Name: My Latest Novel
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Extrabreit
Country: Germany
Name: -1
Description: Russian emo/screamo/punk band
Country: Tula
Name: 2 plus 1
Description: Polish pop, folk, synth pop & rock band
Country: Poland
Name: Tele+1
Country: Italy
Name: [dialogue]
Description: Special Purpose Artist
Name: Ванко 1
Description: Bulgarian hip-hop artist
Country: Bulgaria