Total artists found: 968
Name: Control
Description: industrial/noise artist
Country: United States
Name: The Switching Yard
Country: Canada
Name: Portion Control
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Birth Control
Country: Germany
Name: Control
Description: English Oi!/Streetpunk band
Country: United Kingdom
Name: The Olivia Tremor Control
Country: United States
Name: Control
Description: Mexican group
Country: Mexico
Name: Control Machete
Country: Mexico
Name: Control
Description: UK Dance Band
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Absolute Body Control
Country: Belgium
Name: Control
Description: UK drum n bass producer Jason Greenhalgh
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Control
Description: Finnish Clash cover band
Country: Finland
Name: Control
Description: Heavy Metal
Name: Control
Description: Spanish band
Country: Spain
Name: Control
Description: Dimas Carbajo & J.J. de la Fuente
Country: Spain
Name: William Control
Country: United States
Name: Control
Description: Australian hip-hop artist
Country: Australia
Name: Control
Description: M. Jackson / G. Kodric
Name: Control
Description: punk band active 1979
Name: Control
Description: Californian band
Name: Control
Description: writer "five o'clock in the morning"
Name: Control
Description: Wisconsin
Country: Madison
Name: trance[]control
Country: Gothenburg
Name: Total Control
Description: Australian post-punk band
Country: Australia