Total artists found: 830
Name: Booga Booga
Name: Booga
Description: DJ, producer and promoter from Leipzig, Germany
Name: Booga
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Ooga Booga
Name: Pack
Description: German punk band
Country: Germany
Name: Hooga Booga
Name: Booga Bear
Country: United Kingdom
Name: DJ Booga
Country: Germany
Name: Booga Beazley
Country: New Zealand
Name: UgA-BooGa
Description: Psytrance
Name: Pack
Description: '60s Texas group
Country: United States
Name: Pack
Description: unknown 60's garage band
Name: Pack
Description: Features on Whitney Peyton's "The Remedy" album
Name: Pack
Description: Swiss group, fka Bagger
Country: Switzerland
Name: Pack
Description: Pittsburgh rock band
Country: United States
Name: Pack
Description: Rapper
Name: The Rat Pack
Description: Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.
Country: United States
Name: Lootpack
Country: United States
Name: The Pack
Description: hip hop
Country: United States
Name: Perssons Pack
Country: Sweden
Name: Splack Pack
Name: Paul Pack
Description: Production music composer
Name: Das Pack
Country: Germany
Name: Power Pack
Description: German band, 80's
Country: Germany
Name: Brat Pack
Description: Dutch hardcore punk band
Country: Netherlands