Total artists found: 19884
Name: In/Waves
Description: post-rock band
Country: United States
Name: In Waves
Description: US; alternative rock
Country: United States
Name: Phones
Description: aka Epworth Phones, alias of Paul Epworth
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Made in Waves
Description: formerly known as "Ghost in the Machine"
Country: St. Louis
Name: Biosphere
Country: Norway
Name: Katrina and the Waves
Description: British-American rock band
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Hand In Waves
Country: Germany
Name: Phones In The Sun
Name: Everything In Waves
Country: New York
Name: Waves In Autumn
Description: Italian metalcore band
Country: Bergamo
Name: The Phones
Description: Minneapolis band
Country: Minneapolis
Name: Colors in Waves
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Waves in Darkness
Country: Aalborg
Name: Hello Phones
Country: Brooklyn
Name: Waves Rush In
Name: Alice in Chains
Country: United States
Name: The Phones
Description: Australian a cappella group
Name: Circa Waves
Description: English indie rock band
Country: United Kingdom
Name: Adventures in Odyssey
Country: United States
Name: The Phones
Description: 80's dutch new wave band
Country: Netherlands
Name: In Flames
Country: Sweden
Name: Bankie Phones
Name: Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Country: United Kingdom